Welcome To

Nagle Pre-School

A caring, safe learning environment for your child is of the utmost importance to us

Read more about Nagle’s Commitment to Child Safety and Child Safe Standards

2026 Kinder Enrolments

We look forward to welcoming families into our beautiful kinder on our

Open Day

Saturday 29th March: 9.30am - 11.30am

If you missed Open Day, private tours are also available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Please contact Erin on admin@naglepreschool.com.au or 9598 6042

How to enrol for 2026 click here

Learn more about

Is my child ready to start kinder? Please get in touch if you are uncertain about when your child should start their kinder journey

How to register for 2025 kindergarten Step by step instructions on how to register your child for 2025 kinder

Our timetable for 2024 and 2025 Our 3 and 4 year old programs offer 15 hours a week for every child

Free Kinder The Victorian State Government funds 2 years of sessional kinder before school

Acknowledgement of Country

We are committed to providing a kindergarten experience of the highest quality for your child.

Play Based Learning

Children learn through play, in a place where they feel comfortable and safe. Our programs are guided by the practice, principles and outcomes of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and National Quality Standards. Using careful observations of the individual strengths, needs and interests of each child, we provide a stimulating play based environment.


Community Values

‘Fundamental to the Framework is a view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and becoming. From before birth children are connected to family, community, culture and place. Their earliest development and learning takes place through these relationships, particularly within families, who are children’s first and most influential educators. As children participate in everyday life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world.’


At Nagle, we value and foster a sense of belonging and being by creating positive connections with family and the community.

This sense of belonging, being and becoming is further embedded through our unique Bayside Walk and Visit Intergenerational Program.

  • Nagle Pre-School has an unwavering commitment to creating a safe, inquisitive and creative learning environment for your child to grow and prosper. Our highly trained educators create trusted and reciprocal relationships with children and their families. We are strong believers in the importance of outdoor play, connection with environment and foster an active and healthy space for children to explore, enquire, learn and grow. A strong sense of community is core to our program. We wholeheartedly embrace diversity and inclusivity and are leaders in catering to different learning styles to ensure your child receives the best opportunity to shine. With all that said, what makes us most proud is that our children love being at Nagle. They are excited to arrive in the morning and will always have stories to tell of their day when you collect them. They'll want to show you everything they did and learned and they'll look forward to coming back.

    Steve Fairbairn

    2024 President

    Nagle Pre-School Committee of Management

Nagle Pre-School is proud to be in partnership with Sandringham Community Bank

The Bank’s generosity supports Nagle’s Walk and Visit Intergenerational Program for our 4 year old kinder group, an inspirational and life affirming connection for the youngest and oldest in our community.

A wonderful learning experience for all.